How does 1Care Diagnostics explain two False Positive COVID results in two days when I have just received a second Negative test result from Kaiser a day later? I used the ARCpoint lab in Richmond for a test since I was about to travel to London and hadn't heard from Kaiser for my first test. An hour later after receiving that Kaiser test which was Negative I received a Positive test from your lab. So on the following morning, the day of travel, I took a second test with ARCpoint to make sure it wasn't a False Positive. That second ARCpoint test arrived just as I was checking in at SFO so I cancelled my flight. Now a day later my fourth test, again from Kaiser is Negative. I have had three vaccines, wear a mask and have not mixed with crowds. I also live in Marin which has a 98% vaccinated rate, one of the highest in the State. This is enormously frustrating not to mention disruptive and expensive. Please explain how this could happen and whether your testing abilities need reviewing.