(Panhandling/Harrassment)." Highly Unprofessional and Disloyal to the branch off 711 & policy. Now thats just one employee to the band of Dishonest Staff.
I do NOT Recommend visiting this exact location. High-Risk store for criminal activity & Harrassment. Last but NOT least Aweful Staffing & professionalism.
P.s ~ Hiring process is impossible, i was given information by a young mannerly polite man with long hair (20s), that you had to know someone or be older aged to be hired. He also shared he made the attempt to be hired and start working because his situation with his autistic son. But was matched with unrecognition & mediocrity. Which is highly disappointing. So many local youth in the bay area with so much to offer and potential. Seems to me these elderly people are stuck in there ways working at this location. Very Sad & Disastrous.