Imagine you are driving along and really enjoying your day. Just getting off work and ready to make the commute back home, which is usually a fairly good part of your day.
Then suddenly, strange looks from pedestrians begin to alert you that something has gone astray. Curiously you look around, and there it is. The day isnt as fun anymore.
Huge clouds of smoke behind you. Yup, its your car. Game over. Pulling over you review your options, but realizing you're an hour away from home you know this isnt going to be cheap no matter what. One can become a little stressed during times like that.
Never fear, the awesome staff at A1 Rapid Recovery are around to help with the whole process, even if you are not 100% sure where you are at. They have an exact quote over the phone and excellent communication from both the dispatcher and the driver during every step of the way.
A+ for A1