🚨🚨🚨Por favor!!!!! no hagan contrato con esta compañia, 🚨ha sido una decepcion y perdida total para mi. Inicialmente me dieron un precio de $1800 por las cosas que declare que tenia guardadas en cajas. les comente que aun me faltaban algunas cosas por recoger. cuando fueron por mis pertenencias me dijeron que seria mas dinero porque habian mas cosas que las declaradas a pesar de haberles dicho previamente , tuve que dejar mi cama porque sino seria demasiado dinero, me subieron el precio al doble.Les dije que no lo veia justo porque tampoco era para doblar el monto. Manteniendo una manera super desagradable y mal educada me dijeron que sino pagaba pues se iban y perdia mi deposito de $300. La persona con la que inicialmente hice el contrato le envie varios mensajes y algunos no los respondia . El dia que finalmente llego la mudanza a mi lugar de residencia primeramente el chofer del camion no encontraba mi edificio y tuve que ir hasta la puerta de entrada del confominio a recibirlo, despues me dijo que ademas de $75 dolares por 8 escalones de mas que tenia mi escalera serian $75 adicionales por los pasos que debia dar del camion al inicio de la escalera (una falta de respeto total 🤬). Cuando le comente mi desacuerdo de una manera muy grosera y hasta hablando en voz alta me dijo que sino pagaba pues no descargaria las cosas . Para colmo fue el solo sin ayudante y unos vecinos tuvieron que brindarle ayuda , cuando tengo entendido que una mudanza consta de mas de una persona para ser descargada. algunas cosas llegaron dañadas. como la comoda de mi habitacion por un costado raspada. Ha sido mi peor experiencia la verdad. Espero este mensaje ayude a muchas perdonas a no pasar por lo mismo que yo. 🙏 . Copien y peguen este mensaje 🙏 🚨🚨🚨Please!!!!! Do not contract with this company, 🚨it has been a disappointment and total loss for me. Initially they gave me a price of $1800 for the things I declared I had stored in boxes. I told them that I still had some things left to pick up. When they went to get my belongings they told me that it would be more money because there were more things than what was declared despite having previously told them, I had to leave my bed because otherwise it would be too much money, they raised the price to double. I told them that I didn't see it as fair. because it wasn't about doubling the amount either. Maintaining a super unpleasant and rude manner, they told me that if I didn't pay, they would leave and I would lose my $300 deposit. The person with whom I initially made the contract sent him several messages and some of them he did not respond to. The day the move finally arrived at my place of residence, first the truck driver couldn't find my building and I had to go to the entrance door of the apartment to receive it, then he told me that in addition to $75 dollars for 8 extra steps he had my staircase would be an additional $75 for the steps I had to take from the truck to the beginning of the staircase (a total lack of respect 🤬). When I told him my disagreement in a very rude manner and even speaking out loud, he told me that if I didn't pay he wouldn't download the things. To make matters worse, he was alone without an assistant and some neighbors had to help him, when I understand that a move involves more than one person to be unloaded. Some things arrived damaged. like the dresser in my room scratched on one side. It has been my worst experience, honestly. I hope this message helps many people not to go through the same thing as me. 🙏 . Copy and paste this message 🙏