I typically love Aldi. I've been shopping here for 7 months. Everyone knows you rent a cart with a quarter and get it back when you return your cart and need to either bring your own bags, buy them for a $1 (yes they are reusable fabric or the kind that keep things cold) or you can use their boxes.
The reason for my 1 star is Jessica. The customer in front of me paid with EBT. It took him a moment to get his card out (older gentlemen) apparently she didnt like having to wait 1 minute for him to pay. She kept loudly sighing like he was holding her up from doing something important.
Then to top it all off I have a chronic illness which causes severe pain to the point that I physically can not move. She saw me wincing in pain a few times as I groaned and hunched over. My husband watched her roll her eyes and laugh. As I paid this whench of a human said "God, if you can't act right don't leave the house" EXCUSE ME?! yea, I'll never again come here!