It’s just such a sad line of work in my opinion, because life experience knows that these businesses are robbery. I pray that those in this towing business will find another line of work if they have a good heart, because literally their line of work is to hurt others. Such a shame.
I know it helps the police department… and fire department in some situations, but in our situation. A nomad family who our home is our car.… Who were mis-informed by our Airbnb Host of where to park… Who came in very late on a cold, rainy night and went to bed… Who found out after just paying $530. to get our car that the sticker was only on it for one hour. This is wrong in every sense of the word. We feel bad for people who have to profit off of other people’s misfortunes in order to put food on the table.
So we do hope for better for you all and we will try to have a better day…
Our first day in Spokane, Washington, and our only day that we had to visit your city with our daughter.
Thank God, we had the means, and that we have one more night at the hotel before we leave in the morning, because if we were a family who didn’t have the means or another night…HEAR THIS PLEASE… we would have been sleeping on the streets tonight. Literally. You would’ve hated a homeless family for at least a night or two in the sad thing is most people don’t have the extra few hundred and their bank and many people may have only had one night hotel stay. Can you not SEE the darkness that Hass to take place in your heart to ignore that you are creating these type of situation’s for people?
Also thank God we have a really intelligent teenager who is very fast at using the Uber services… we are not from here… We have no family or friends here to give us a ride. without her quick tech abilities, we wouldn’t have been able to get our car out in time today and then we would’ve been charged almost $800 tomorrow instead of $530 today.
Everyone with any common sense at all knows that this is dark and evil to do this to people. So now you punish a 16-year-old girl and two people who are kind and good, and who have spent their time traveling trying to help others, just to be treated this way here in Spokane.
What a shame and I would never come back here again. Thank God for the Uber driver who was so kind and loving, and had so much compassion for us. Thank God he was so encouraging but then again, he’s not from Spokane either. Goodbye Spokane forever… You don’t deserve good people like us.
On top of everything… You were not easy to get a hold of. We had to go through the leasing office at Riverhouse to find you which means that you were probably most likely (with the dark hearts that you have )trying to delay it as much as possible to get more money the next day. Shame on you.