Shaun Sink13 days agoFrom
My Name is Shaun Sink,I am looking for james neff Will and Trust.,A check I wrote should be their with the will.The account Number on the back from Bakersfield,SHOULD BRING UP SHAUN TROY SINK INHERITANCE ACCOUNT NOTERIED BY ARNOLD SCHWARTZENEGGER,AND INSURED THROUGH AMERICAN BANKERS AND LIFE, TO protect it from forgery fraud and imbeselment.I live in Albany oregon 97321.Fingerprints since 2006.started a contract in circulation in 2006.JANE LYNCH.You want the truth? the account Number from the back of that check,Typ it in to the computer.The same info will show up when i put my fingers into a I.D device safe boxes and a 401k was closed in 2003 to expand the will.Law BOOK OF MONEY,PAGE 66 THROUGH 70. 1 law Number for TAX FREE law Inheritance. shaun sink 777 college park dr sw space 72 Albany Oregon 97322 NYSE document and Noteri from Arnold was held up to the dash cam of a police car in 2006 I NEED TO KNOW WHAT BANK IN BAKERSFIELD TO GO TO TO OPEN MY SAFE BOXES............. SOMETHING ABOUT TELLING THE CAB DRIVER WHERE TO TAKE ME AFTER I CATCH A PLAIN RIDE TO BAKERSFIELD