This is a review for the parking garage specifically... all the businesses in the building are great, and are dealing with the same issues I have with the place same as their customers. There is often trash about in the courtyard between parking and the businesses next to it. Lots of people set up here that ask for money, play and(or) sing incredibly loud music, sing opera, and petition for various causes. If all you're trying do is shop, these factors can often impede you on your way in or out of one of the buildings establishments. The parking garage is a wild; people parking here often park poorly, speed through the always busy garage, block up the middle of the isles, repark several times with cars lining up behind them, go backward against the designated clearly marked direction arrows, speed out of the garage with no caustion or care for pedestrians, and are overall not very courteous toward others. The elevators often smell inside, and on one occasion, I have come across a puddle of urine right in the middle of one of them. The stairwells also often smell like urine. The top floors and the bottom floors of the garage tend to be on the sketchy side, as they are quite dark and things like cars getting broken into seem to be a trend according to staff at some of the businesses on site. There is security... but it's usually that they're never around. I have seen them a couple of times all together with 2-3 in a group. But they are typically not around patrolling the garage or anything.
On a positive note, it is a free parking garage for customers of the stores. And as long as you park within the lines (as any normal driver should), you'll usually leave in the exact same shape you arrived. Park over the lines, and you will likely get a ticket from the property.