I came to this Barnes and Noble having heard quite a bit of good things about it, however the way they behaved with me left a very bad taste in my mouth. I was browsing the bookstore and was really liking their collection—fiction, non-fiction, poetry, the stellar periodicals, and other items of literary value. Most of it is pretty commercialised and understandably so, considering it’s a Barnes and Noble.
I was taking quite a few pictures of the things that stood out to me—the literary quotes on the walls, the multicoloured magazines, the different writers above the Starbucks, among other things. Suddenly, a person from the staff walked up to me and rudely asked me why I was taking so many pictures. That staff person wasn't even wearing a mask(!!). I told him it was for the store’s benefit since I’d be posting a Google review for them. He ignored me and even more rudely proceeded to tell me that people shouldn’t be present in my pictures. Like why would anyone assume that I wouldn’t know that? It just felt very rude and an absolute no for how customer service should be. Like I understand stores can say no to taking photos since it’s private property or whatever, however, they can do so politely. Being rude isn’t the way to go. I was planning on buying a magazine but ended up deciding not to because of what happened. Bad customer service leads to less business, it’s high time businesses understand that, and more so giants like Barnes and Noble.I’ll just go to an independent bookstore next time.