The best Japanese rice meals in town come from this place. They have a strong Japanese-bias authenticity, which means their food are not too "Americanized". Japanese is my favorite cuisine, and this is one of the best I've had here in WA. This is my guilty pleasure, and I come here a lot (sometimes daily, or every other day).
Japanese curry is my favorite curry, and they do it right, with their katsukarē (offered in both tonkatsu and chicken katsu). It reminds me Kyoto for some reason. I have tried almost all their entrées, and I am delighted to say that I have never been disappointed.
While their more American-friendly breaded food like tempura, katsu, and furai (fry) entrées are fine (definitely better than anything in the area), their rice bowls are where it's at. They do offer a variety of food that others are too afraid to serve like saba (mackerel) and kaki (oyster). Even their pork belly "ton toro" bowl is a treat.
I also love their bento entrées, as they come with macaroni salad. This one is definitely a Filipino-Hawaiian influence. They're bigger bento do come with maki instead. They also sell a variety of Japanese snacks, and even some cold Ramune's.
The only real thing I do not like is the small menu — although that is not necessarily a bad thing. I do however wish they have katsudon/oyakodon, and some ika or tako (squid/octopus — gotta love those tentacles!) entrées.
Finally, the staff are great, they always smile and will definitely remember your name.