This attorney served as a "minor's counsel" to my two children, committing fraud, per California Rule of court Rule 5.240, "If there are two or more children, any child would require separate counsel to avoid a conflict of interest." The Minor's counsel ignored any evidence, urged me to agree to everything my spouse asked (forcing me to lose my home, my pension plan and my children), ignored judge's orders to visit homes to observe living situations, only met with children's father and not with me, children's mother, and didn't secure for the children neither Mother's Day with their mother, nor any vacation time. Domestic Violence was completely ignored and 'safely forgotten' by this professional, who didn't forget to bill outrageous fees for her disastrous service. At the end, Ms. Birnbaum billed everything to the State of California and resigned from the case. The mother lost custody as a result of Birnbaum's un-professionalism, conflict of interest, and total misogyny. The father now uses the children as a way to control the mother and still doesn't grant her divorce under various excuses, keeping her a prisoner of his whims. UPDATE: upon learning about this review, Ms Birnbaum put tremendous pressure on me to remove it, by copying her request to an adversarial party and his lawyer, causing me great distress by informing the adversarial party about my actions. This behaviour alone is highly questionable and unethical.