12/18/2022 Update: So, it’s taken me a while to update my review again as I’ve been really frustrated and didn’t know what exactly to say… So, after having my hair “fixed” at Bishops on 10/26, inside the shop it looked decent, however in the sunlight my hair was still yellow. I opted not to go and spend several more hours at Bishops to have it “fixed” again. At that point, I realized that they weren’t going to get my roots platinum. Over the next couple of weeks, the more I shampooed it, the more yellow it got. The toner was washing out revealing a more intense yellow tone while my ends were still platinum (and mushy). No one has reached out to me regarding any conditioning treatments which I was promised. (The regional/district manager initially reached out to me promising “as many conditioning treatments as necessary” to get my hair healthy again. See my first review below) I have since dyed my hair brown so it can grow out since it quite literally cannot be re-bleached due to the significant damage. *Keep in mind, I paid over $230 for these services and was told they won’t refund my money regardless of the outcome. I am so incredibly frustrated with this entire situation and I would definitely recommend going elsewhere.
10/26/2022 Update: Today Cassandra (the manager of this Bishops) redid my hair. She used an oil based bleach that was gentle in an attempt to lift out the yellow tone and not damage my hair further, she also trimmed off a bit of the really damaged and uneven hair. However my hair is still yellow and extremely short. The cut was decent.
10/24/2022 UPDATE: A Bishops regional manager reached out to me in response to an email I sent them. They wont refund my money, but are going to try to fix the yellow tone and have offered complimentary conditioning treatments for the damaged ends.
10/22/2022 One star: I had an appointment for a bleach and tone for my roots yesterday. I watched as the stylist overlapped the bleach over my previously bleached hair. She left me sitting for 2.5 hours then toned me twice at the sink. When I sat back down in the chair, she said she was going to give me a “complimentary haircut”, but I could see that my hair had broken off where the bleach had been overlapped. I agreed for her to just to shape it up and to make it blend but she cut it so short (I think to camouflage the fact that she messed up and my hair was broken off with parts still breaking off). I told the stylist that I wasn’t happy with my hair. They made me pay full price and had a really bad attitude with me. They said they would “fix” my hair for free… My hair is at least two inches shorter than when I went in, keep in mind I was not there for a haircut at all and now it has a dingy yellow tone. The ends that didn’t break off are so damaged, my hair feels like mush when it’s wet, and when dry those end pieces are breaking off. I paid over $230 for this service.