Working remotely and T-mobile signal is excellent.
Tmobile, internet, cell signal
Passing through millions of acres of beautiful desert looking for peace & quiet. Well, look elsewhere. It doesn't matter where we try to camp, out in the middle of nowhere, and unbelievably rude, thoughtless people ride their side-by-side 4x4's RIGHT NEXT TO OUR CAMPSITE kicking up clouds of dirt into the air. Millions of acres of open desert, but they decide it's more entertaining to purposefully detour in order to ride next to people's campsites. I suffer from acutely bad asthma and the billowing clouds of dirt they kick up causes my asthma to flare up no matter how fast I get into the rig. My rescue inhaler barely works and I have to stay inside until I can more easily breathe again, which takes hours.
They can ride on the asphault far away from us but no, they prefer to ride 30' from our campsite in a cloud of dirt filled with the fungus coccidioides that causes valley fever. These people are costic to the rest of us.
If you camp up Plomosa Rd closer to Bouse, they come out of nowhere riding into camps where trailers are without tow vehicles or, in our case, they rode into our camp when we were inside our campervan and circled us obviously looking for something to steal.
Lastly, be careful where you walk. We pick up our dog's poop, but others don't. Just because it's open desert doesn't mean it's our own personal dump site. We not only pick up other people's dog poop, but we pick up their garbage too. We don't want animals to choke on plastic garbage and die as they do in our oceans. PEOPLE, pick up after yourselves! Didn't we all learn to do that when we were toddlers? It's our responsibility to care for our open spaces for our kids and for nature.
We won't be back. All those 4x4 riders can have their coccidioidomycosis (Valley Fever). We're going North immediately where it's too cold for those selfish, rude, thoughtless, ignorant people to follow.