She charged me $140 for an appointment where she didn't no initial examination of my spine, visually or otherwise and performed no actual adjustment. I went in for a pinched nerve In my lower back. She told me she was going to ask my body what she should do first and then proceeded to stand behind me, lightly tickling my shoulders and whispering to herself and then announced my body wanted her to start with my skull. So she hammered on the back of my skull with some little machine for a minute. HOW ABOUT USING SCIENCE AND YOUR TRAINING FROM CHIROPRACTOR SCHOOL TO DECIDE HOW TO PROCEED? If my body knew what she should do, I would have done the adjustment myself or not been shaped like a question mark to begin with. Then she did a lot more whispering at my back, before showing me on her iPad what the muscle in the area I was having pain looks like. Did absolutely nothing but try to learn how to use her new machine while charging me top dollar. Texted me afterwards to request another appointment and then again to wish me happy birthday. When I responded expressing that I thought she should learn to use her equipment before adding it as a service and requested at least a partial refund, she just didn't respond.
I went home after the appointment in tears, and spent the next 3 days in bed until I was able to get in to a sports medicine person who had me fixed for $35 by helping me release the muscles pinching my nerve. It's not even that she did a bad job. It's that she didn't do a job at all. She charged me to fill out her ridiculously long form and to waste half an hour while she muttered under her breath at my back without even touching it. Not sure if she was learning how to use her equipment by reading the directions or if she was trying to cast a spell, but I've never had a worse experience at a chiropractor.
I never bother complaining about poor service, but I hope this review helps someone save their time and money and go elsewhere. I tried to discuss this with her before leaving the review and I was ignored. Thanks Dr. Hackworth!