Beautiful location, amazing talent. Assigned "gold" seating obtained from the nearest local middle school, sub standard for any adult size person.
I guarantee that wherever they got those chairs, the order form had language that stated "children's". "K-8" "compact" "economy size" "condensed" or just flat out said "small chairs". And whoever ok'd that order should be fired. I'm contesting the charges on my credit card, as $130 a piece I should not be forced to endure heavy personal contact with other normal sized adults on both sides.. on any side for that matter. Bad enough they have children's seats in the gold section, but worse yet still they pack them so tightly that people are tripping over each other, everyone was uncomfortable, and to add insult to injury, they placed all the normal sized chairs in the general admission section.
Not even joking here folks, I wear a 36" waist, probably on the lower end of the majority at any given show for adults, and these chairs are small. Standard Metal folding chairs are larger by an order of magnitude, and would have been a much welcome upgrade from the sardine can seating forced upon patrons at the show tonight, and I suspect every night.
Even the ushers acknowledged the problem when gesturing me and my partner towards our open 2 seats that were clearly going to be uncomfortable.
Maybe it's out of an attempt to get people to imbibe more, or to make up for the lack of any kind of heat once the sun goes down and the temperature drops 30 degrees in less than an hour as this area consistently does. Who knows, but whatever the reason, the production company should be ashamed of themselves and put an end to the nonsense.
But chairs for adults. And if you are too cheap to do that, then spread them out for crying out loud! There is nothing wrong with your guests being comfortable.
One would think with the high end, comfort oriented image they personify, it would extend to events as well. But.... NOPE! Not the case.
The entire crowd crammed into the fenced in kids area, equal amount of square feet immediately adjacent to the rear completely empty.
This is the amount of consideration this establishment gives its guests. Could have removed 2 or 3 chairs in each row, added 1 more row in the back, spaced them all out further, would have made the child's chairs at least somewhat tolerable. But imagine all the work that would take. Updating the seating maps online training the staff in common sense and spacial visualization.
5 stars for the artists, 1 star for the overpriced unacceptable quality food served at the show, 5 stars for the staff of the venue doing their absolute best despite the conditions forced upon them, and 1 star for the children's seats.
How that earns then 2 stars I don't know. PMJ, epic, legendary, incredible group of talent. Definitely catch them performing somewhere, somewhere else, unless your idea of fun is being in a 4th grade PTA meeting, sitting in chairs meant for children, for hours on end.
You have been warned. Children's seats. (Look really closely at the photos, and the intentional lack of any sort of item for scale reference. I wouldn't say they are half normal size chairs, but less than 3/4 size for sure.
Response: other reviewers have stated that as a petite woman, the seating was overly cramped.
If chairs must be fastened together then take that into account and get bigger chairs. Standard wedding seating is not designed to be fastened together, you are using seating in a manner for which it was not intended, and are obviously aware of it. Just because more people don't complain doesn't mean that people are ok with it. Get your act together, stop making excuses at the expense of your guests comfort. You could have an amazing venue, but the complacent laziness and unwillingness to correct known problems is a massive blemish on what could be a true standout top tier experience. The location, your guests, the featured artists, ALL DESERVE BETTER. Shame on you for perpetuating this nonsense!