By way of background, Mom was at Brookdale-Richland for almost 6 years. She had previously been living on her own in the Seattle area. But as her friends contacted me with stories about Mom falling and losing track of her meds I became more insistent that she move closer to my wife and me. The transition to an assisted living facility was difficult. Others should not underestimate the impact this transition can have, especially for seniors. But from day one, the Brookdale staff went out of their way to make her feel welcome.
From the beginning to the end of Mom’s stay (she passed at age 100) they were very good in letting me know of issues related to her physical or mental health and calling for an ambulance when necessary. This let me respond with an immediate visit or phone call. The caregivers showed both professional and personal concerns. But as her son, I think my physical presence had a calming effect on her, so I appreciated being notified of problems as soon as they arose.
To persons concerned about Brookdale’s capability to handle medical problems, I’d note that their medical team was involved in all of Mom’s ‘livability assessments’. Also, following each of her hospitalizations, the Brookdale medical team would meet with staff at Kadlec Hospital or Richland Rehab to assure they could provide the needed follow-up services. And they worked closely with hospice towards the end of Mom’s life.
Finances are, of course, a major concern for families using an assisted living facility. I never had a problem meeting with their business office to resolve questions related to coverage by Medicare (for medications), long term care insurance, hospital/clinic billing, etc.
I don’t know how Brookdale management finds the kind and compassionate people they do for the stressful work of providing daily care for seniors and others in need of assistance. The kindness of both Jim and Victor when Mom first moved in, and more recently that of Nila, Sabti, Rosie, Emily and all the caregivers is greatly appreciated. They all made Mom’s last years much better than they would have been had she stayed in Seattle.