I attended this church for 9 months and this is what I have found: Sunday morning messages and music are positive and uplifting. What's also nice is they have live streaming capability if you are unable to attend in person. What's troubling to me began with their introductory class called NEXT. First thing stated is that their focus is on reaching men and youth. Their reasoning being that when a man becomes committed to church attendance, his family will follow. As for the youth, they need to reach the future Leaders of this country and the church. What they forget to address is the fact that the women are the glue that holds the family together, the mother teaches the children in the home, and women will go to church with or without their husbands. Women are the true models of Christianity in the home. Yet, the needs of the women are pretty much ignored, or placed on the back burner. As are the many needs of our own community. For example, while thousands of dollars were raised to build houses in Jamaica, we still have hundreds of homeless right here in our own community, living out of vehicles, couch surfing with family and friends, camping in the parks, people with jobs, older people on limited incomes, people who are already traumatized and won't go near a homeless shelter because of the dangers and additional traumas involved with those places... Not to mention the unchristian-like stereotyping going on among church members toward others that is not being challenged by leadership. Rent is out of control and too high in this area, and what do church leaders do to help? Nothing. Why aren't the local churches, this one included, focused on building small homes, with reasonable rents according to incomes, for the people in our own community, instead of leaving our country to build homes in another? Churches were designed in the beginning, (Paul's time) to take care of their own communities as priority, and provide Christ-like hospitality for strangers who came to their communities. The second thing that turned me away from this church permanently is this: I will not associate with a church that must denigrate any other church in order to push their own as "the one", the only truly "Christian Church". The following statement is directly from C3's stated beliefs on their website: "Church. We believe that the Church of Jesus Christ is formed of all those who know Him as their Savior and Lord, regardless of denominational preferences or distinctives, and that every follower of Jesus is purposed to directly participate in the life of a local and regularly gathered body of believers." However, they do not practice what they preach, and actively teach that other churches aren't truly Christ-based, (even though they are) as is their own.
But what really disappointed me, this church does not help those in need who turn to them as a last resort for help. In fact, one of the office women was really quite snotty in her attitude making it quite clear she had never suffered disastrous losses in her life, or simply had no empathy. Maybe she shouldn't be in her position at the church. Or maybe, since they are more "focused on bringing in men converts" that it's only the women they refuse to help, or provide as little as possible in the way of help. Honestly, the leaders whether they realize it or not, emanate a definite feeling of prejudice and discrimination occurring under the radar. Just Look at the staff. Lastly, pay attention to the expensive decor throughout the entire building... reminding me of the Pharisees of old... "putting on airs", dressing in the finest clothes and loudly proclaiming their Holiness and status as favored of God because they are wealthy. The money used for fancy decor, promo gifts handed to newcomers, free coffee and tea for everyone, every single week.... all could've gone toward the care of God's children in need. I will continue my search for a truly Christ-based church. This one has been eliminated from my search.