I consider myself an office athlete, when out of the office I'm running spartan races (like Tough Mudder) and no stranger to extreme sports.
During training, I focus on form especially due to my old recurring shoulder subluxations. 4 years after surgery and physical therapy exercises to correct it, I still found a limited range of motion for my arm.
That's when I learned about Cherrie - owner of Cal Therapeutics. Within seconds of our appointment Cherrie could tell me more about my body than I did with a decade of online research (which often times is contradicting and confusing!).
Within one session, she brought to my attention alignment issues that I was never aware of, or that I was incorrectly targeting, which could have led to problems down the road!
After just a few sessions: My old posture, I accepted was due to "genetics" had completely transformed! The way I hold myself went from the "rounded shoulder desk jockey" to "executive superhero" with my chest proudly protruding forward and shoulders sitting back in place where they belong.
I am completely blown away by how much of my potential was unlocked with a few simple massages to tight muscles that I didn't know were tight! Without changing my workout regime, my strength and flexibility have increased as a result, simply because I am better aligned through my motions.
Summary: Cherrie owner of Cal Therapeutics is a walking encyclopedia, with an open mind and a caring heart for her clients. She is ultra respectful and accommodating and also a lot of fun to have discussions with. It is very rare these days to find someone as genuine and authentic a business owner as Cherrie.
From more detailed massages to total relaxations techniques Cherrie can do it all. She is like living anatomy book. By that I mean she really knows how the body functions. She's helped me manage my chronic pains big times and which actually helped me get back in shape. About 2 years ago I was in a bad motorcycle crash, so there has been lingering damage. Getting back in shape has been a slow process due to the nerve damage and my stuff joints due to the surgeries. My muscles would get stiff and overused easily however the work that cherrie has done for me has really helped with my recovery. I would recommend her Everytime.