Unhelpful and dismissive on Mr. Farahani's part. He only looked at the reasons not to take my case, told me that it isn't worth it to him, and completely failed to understand that I'm not simply looking for back payment of my rent - I'm looking to take a slumlord entity down, and seek compensation to cover back rent for multiple tenants as well as damages incurred to personal property, and pain & suffering restitution. He says if a case won't win more than $150k that it's not worth his time, and that I should seek out a young "spring chicken" lawyer to take on my case. I was looking for a shark, Mr. Farahani, not a waste of my own precious time and resources.
Ms. Campbell was the most helpful, despite their decision, and looked at all the evidence I provided - actually seeking reasons to take my case. She provided actual empathy, as well as information where I can seek out a lawyer who will more likely help me, as her partner was clearly not interested. The one star goes to her, and their lovely receptionist. I don't recommend consulting with Farahani unless you're looking for a typical sleazy, greedy lawyer. My search for representation continues.