Save your money and don’t go. I used to be a loyal customer for a long time even during Covid. I bought a package online and never got an email confirmation. I was told I could call in and they booked it online for me. So I totally forgot when I bought it and when it would be expired. Usually if I could book it online it would show me when it would expire. I still have 8 more hours left and I was told it was expired. Since I never got an email receipt so I cannot even check when I booked it. And nobody notified me that it would expire in some time. This is not a complaint. Just to tell anyone thinking of going there, you could save your money and don’t go. Adding this to explain their feedback. I did get the email after my package was expired. Did you see the magic? They can even track if you have opened email, and they intended to not let me get the purchase receipt to track how many hour I left and when it is expired. They will only send you after the package is expired and even track if you open the email or not?! Isn’t that crazy?!