Not sure why my review was removed ( unless someone paid to do so) but this place offers the same quality service as Western Dental just cost ALOTTT more. My braces were removed (even though addition plans were made because my bite was not even) and I instantly noticed after they pulled one of my front teeth down then shaved the other to make them “straight” that we had different ideas of STRAIGHT. Because this aint it. Mind you my bottom permanent retainer also had to be removed and reinstalled because it was put on slanted. I got braces during COVID so I had then in longer then Expected. Had gaps open up several times between my teeth, even have one starting between my front 2 which is wild. I wear my retainer all the time and nothing helps.
After now having to pay more to go to fix these issues I wouldn’t recommend this to anyone. Yes they are nice and friendly but Im about my business. My money and time overrides anything. When I first posted my original review they contacted me to fix the permanent retainer and remake my removable retainer but because they couldn’t get the impressions right ( and wanted me to be without one for weeks ) I never got a new one.