Renaissance Jack8 days agoFrom
Stop the construction on Laurel Street this is beyond ridiculous I cannot get to my home majority of the week there are no adequate public restrooms and this is causing complete havoc and chaos multiple car accidents and pedestrian incidents.
Zareen's Manager8 days agoFrom
No one is doing any work in this City. Planning is closed and no one answers the phone and response time is too long. Please stop this ‘remote work’ as staff is taking advantage of the flexibility. Let’s get our economy back on track by bringing people back to office.
Jeff Boyajian8 days agoFrom
Open 4 hrs per day 4 days per week? Cool, I'll expect our local taxes to go down. Yeah right. They can't even be bothered to do their job and want me to do it for them. This seems to be the only way to easily lodge a complaint to this government stars