My two sons and I bring our dirt bikes to the clay pit, it's close to chico and free, a bit bumpy lots of rocks in some places. Everyone has great edicate and seem to play safe. If you want a clean friendly place to bring your toys this is a cool spot, just dont be there after sunset or you will have to meet a really cool park ranger like I did, lol he was really awesome to me and my sons but it is true he has other things to do besides waiting for people like me who cant read closed at sunset signs posted at the front gate to strap their bikes down and depart so he can lock the gate. All and all the clay pit is a really clean pretty cool place to hang out. Shooting range and lake are close by also.
I've seen better to be honest. I personally wasnt riding, my fiance was. And it's wut he said that I'm basing this off of. Well that & my visual experience, like i said, I've seen better. It seemed rather small to me also. So according to him, it's not the best place for riding a dirt bike. Too many rocks & debris. Probly better suited for ATV, quads, or jus basic off roading in a truck. The only thing that stood out from other parks that I liked about this one was the history behind it. It was interesting to learn how the clay pit was made & i always enjoy learning something knew about our town.