I'm grateful to Community Action of Skagit County to an extent. My daughter and I were placed in a safe, clean environment which was good for the short fall (6 months to the day). But more should've been done, especially when I still had my HUD housing voucher I felt like my daughter and I were tolerated, and all I kept hearing from some staff members were lukewarm sorries & some fake sincerity mixed in w/ more excuses of-- More sorries of there's not much more I can do for you to help you become self sufficient. There isn't housing anywhere, outside of keep on applying to property management while I'm throwing my money away for these application credit checks. Which of course I was denied (no evictions btw) but of course my money was as good as gone. But in all honesty it felt belittling and condescending. Outside of giving us a free place to stay for 6 months--how did that help me to become self sufficient--when you all didn't do much else.
Outside of curfew & weekly room checks--What else did you all actually do to help your clients actually? Or atleast me & my daughter? No advocacy. No real advice. And No real help outside of staying there for 6 months. Nothing more was given to really help us out. So my HUD voucher expired while I was under your roof because they don't advocate/fight for you. So that was it--a free place to stay for 6 months. However if you have no family, no friends, no network, no real resources your technically screwed. And that's how it went for me & my daughter. I was a model tenant while I was there. And yes, I was working FT too.