I was very Impressed by the store, along with their selection of merchandise. Although they didn't have what I was trying to purchase in stock. They still helped me out with another one of my computer problems for (FREE) and made my trip worth it. As I live in Ellensburg and road my bike there with my son. I will be continuing to be sure that I let everyone know that needs help with any of their own computer issues to give" COMPUTER WORK'S" A opportunity.
Edit: Well, Don, I was a customer...a very short time ago. Sorry about your memory.
You'd better know your prices (from other places) and you'd better know their return policy (which is terrible. If you touch it - it's used. If you dont touch it - there's a 20% restock fee ) Prices are roughly DOUBLE what you can find anywhere else. Make sure All of your pieces and paperwork are returned to you...because that's an issue. If they install a program for you (which was marked up to Double the cost), God help you getting the password for it. No Faith in this company At All. They are Not upfront with their communication. BEWARE!!!