This was one of the worst customer service experiences I have ever had. We ordered cookies on the crumbl app and noticed right away that it was ordered for delivery to the wrong address. We called the store right away to explain the situation and asked that they hold onto the cookies so we could pick them up instead. They confirmed on the phone they would hold the cookies for us instead of giving it to the delivery person.
Upon arrival we gave our name and they said they didn't have an order for us. We said we had called on the phone and the worker at the register identified us and went to get her supervisor, Lisa. The supervisor proceeded to tell us they did not have the cookies. She made rude comments asking why we would order it to the wrong place. She said we could contact doordash, but there was no way for us to do that because we ordered through the crumbl app.
We then asked why they had confirmed on the phone we could pick them up if they were not going to follow through on their word. The supervisor passed the blame on to her employee saying that she didn't answer the phone, insinuating it wasn't her problem. It ended with her saying they would not give us any cookies.
We ended up spending $30 to walk away with none of the cookies we paid for. The supervisor was extremely rude and took no responsibility. And when we left frustrated, she followed us outside to yell at us, telling us there was no reason to act that way. To me it is reasonable to be frustrated when we spend $30 on cookies that we never received, after being assured on the phone that we would be able to pick them up.
We will not be returning to this business and it is entirely because of Lisa.