This laundromat's equipment is actually quite good, and only a small fraction of them (mostly dryers) are out of service at any given time. However, the card system is extremely frustrating. I don't understand why people complain about needing quarters to operate laundromat machines—at least with cash/quarters, you're not tied to one laundromat, and change machines are easier to operate than their card computer system.
Unfortunately I have to give Daisy's a low rating because of the card system, because at any given time I have money left over on my card that I can't ever quite fully utilize. Daisy's has collected on that money, but unless I put more money in to do some equivalent meaningfuly load of laundry, it's just stuck there.
Not to mention that the customer gets burdened with the credit-card processing fee when paying with card—I feel that the owner should take on this one (at least with transactions above $5-10) since they took the effort to force everyone to use a card in the first place.
However, it's quite easy to knock out a ton of laundry, so using this place is quite efficient if you're backed up for weeks!