For the folks here with the good reviews can you be more specific about what your good experiences were or with . I,ve had multiple encounters with digestive health. I have never been impressed. scheduleRs are in dire need of training. I have showed up for procedures when my medication list was not reviewed, the Dr was not knowledgeable on my history of illness, it turned out I didn't react well to the anesthesia given. After I woke I asked was my anesthesia meds from a few months prior reviewed I received a shoulder shrug. (this was scary) . I have walked away from a procedure room because when I showed up the nurse had not been updated and what procedure the Dr ordered.(that's after I confirmed with the clinic days before)😤😤. They were about to perform a procedure on me that my Dr didn't order or I never agreed too. Personnel and office training is missing. Alot of employees at UWMC do not feel accountable to no one.