Diana Elliott9 days agoFrom
Kind and effishant
Joe Rovtar9 days agoFrom
Leonora Rovtar is celebrating 26 years in business. We are family owned and operated with my husband JOE.She hasbeenservingtheSantaYnezValleysince1997.Leonora has a state of art fully self contained mobile grooming truck. She also grooms cats. “Grooming cats takes a lot of experience. You have to be very patient and pay extra attentiontotheirbehavior.” Leonora is forever grateful to the many wonderful clients that uses her service daily. Her goal is to make your pet feel comfortable and relaxed in the most perfect environment(CAGEFREE) Leonora supply’s a wide variety of natural and organic shampoos to fit your dogs skin type and she also offers dental brushing for dogs. Specializing in multiple pets in onehousehold