Tonight (3/14/23) I was in the store with my daughter just browsing each aisle. We were not there long and I begin to listen to the MANAGER telling a younger male employee very loudly how to do his job. It was how she was teaching him. She was teaching him by degrading what another employee doesn't do right. She went on and on for over 15 minutes about how bad another employee there is stocking the shelfs etc. AND "HOPEFULLY YOU WILL DO A BETTER JOB THAN THE OTHER EMPLOYEE". WOW, JUST WOW! I was extremely appalled by this. Patrons/ customers of the store should not hear this incredibly inappropriate interaction. Is this how a manager teaches employees how to do their job? By talking about how bad another current employee is?! Sounds like an extremely toxic work environment here.
Another customer also heard this and agreed when I mentioned this was inappropriate. I FINALLY HAD enough, and I approached the manager and called her out on her inappropriate actions. The manager apologized and said that she would tell the employee she was "talking bad " about them. ( I honestly doubt she will, her attitude quickly changed to just say whatever she could to smooth over this situation) She definitely shows signs of being a toxic micromanager.
So to the owner... please reply with your contact info. I WOULD LOVE TO DISCUSS THIS EVENT with you. You need to know!