It’s been 7 years since I was under the care of Dr. Martin at Mason General in Shelton, WA.
I was induced at 41 weeks on a Monday morning, I was a new mom, I put my trust into the doctors and nurses to deliver my child and I was SO excited to meet my beautiful baby girl Clarabelle…
I was in induced labor for approximately 84 HRS during my stay at Mason General in Shelton, WA. I had every induction phase possible done to me, Pitocin, foley bulb, balloon, cervadil, you name it, I had it done.
On Wednesday with little to no progression, I had my waters broken. I am now 41+2 weeks pregnant 🤰 still no baby. I finally asked for the epidural, mind you I’ve been contracting completely natural for the last 3 days…
I was finally able to get some sleep but not long after Thursday morning I was woken abruptly by a force of nurses telling me I needed to roll onto my knees, they’d help me, and that I was moving rooms. They put the oxygen mask to my face, told me to hold it there, they rolled me out on my hands and knees into the OR room, told me “this might hurt for a second - count to 3” but the time they hit 1, I was LIGHTS OUT… all while Dr. was driving to the hospital after eating dinner at home…
I woke up asking where my daughter was knowing just then I just had a complete EMERGENCY C-SECTION and I had the nurse tell me that she didn’t know where my daughter was…
That’s when Dr. Martin walked to me and said “I am sorry Paige, Clarabelle didn’t make it.”
Why wasn’t a c-section performed earlier? 84 Hours of induction is UNFREAKINGHEARD OF! And I only know this NOW because I’m older and wiser.
My daughter died at 41+4 from a bacterial infection that somehow they couldn’t pin point where it came from! Funny how she was JUST fine up until I came into that hospital.
I’ve since went on to have my beautiful rainbow baby who was scheduled for an c-section at 37 weeks because of my past history. I have contemplated posting a review on my birthing experience but I am now because I felt the truth needed to be told.
Before you make a choice on doctors, do your DUE DILIGENCE. I TRUSTED the team of doctors and nurses and was let down and it left a huge freaking hole of darkness and emptiness in my heart for the last 7 years with not even a CHECK IN to see how I am doing or any sort of sympathetic apology.
My daughter died and she deserved so much more. To this day I regret trusting this team.
May 11, 2017