When our newborn was jaundiced and losing weight, Dr. Sachs told us that we had to get a bilirubin test that day and then come in for a Saturday weight check because Monday would be too long to wait. On the other hand, when he pointed out our infant's slightly misshapen ears, he told us, "I would tell you if you definitely needed to do a procedure on them or if you definitely did not need to do the procedure. In this case, it's in the gray area. However, I would have a specialist look at them and see what he says." (We did ultimately take our newborn to specialists and did not do the procedure, and the ears look fine)
This is exactly what you want in a pediatrician--somebody who lets you make your own decisions when appropriate but also has the authority to tell you when you need to do something for your baby's health.
Dr Sachs's insistence on a proper vaccination schedule shows what a good doctor he is. You want a doctor with backbone, not a doctor that will cater to trendy, unscientific, stupid fears. Also, his office keeps slots open for same-day scheduling which is a godsend for when your kid gets sick overnight. The whole office is friendly, efficient, and provides the best care for a child and parent that you can possibly get.