Re; Dr. Rahul Khurana:
I don't recall his title, but in 2012, I believe he was the psychiatrist in charge of the inpatient geropsychiatric unit for Highline Hospital, in Burien, Washington, currently owned by the Franciscan group. I had cared for my mom at home for several years. She was a beautiful, smart, happy person, and very healthy at age 92
She had challenges that individually were not extremely serious, but combined became worrisome. I wanted her to have the very best care to stay healthy and enjoy life with me and all of us.
We both felt being with other people, choices of daily activities, and health concerns professionally monitored in a facility, would benefit her. We planned to carry on our fun times together as always.
After a 5 day stay at Highline for bronchitis, first since 1960's, she was transferred to the geropsych unit to evaluate if her current antidepressant would be adequate that even a positive, major lifestyle change might impact.
Having my mom under Dr. Khurana's care is a mistake I'll regret the rest of my life. I believe it was the gross incompetence my 92 year old mother suffered under his care that began an avoidable spiral, that caused my mom's ultimate, untimely death.
I got a copy of her entire chart that also shows NO effort to give her eye drops for almost 2 weeks by his staff for her glaucoma. The nurse noted N/A (Not Available) every single day for 14 days. A nurse is REQUIRED to give all meds ordered.
There are other, worse, but too complicated incidences to explain here. Below is the most damaging.
I found out after seeing my mom take an immediate decline, and get worse in 2 weeks, after taking her out of the facility, that Medicare was looking closely at the elderly receiving too many psych medications in inpatient facilities. I'm not sure about details or facilities consequences. I would guess from my work experience in healthcare, it would impact federal funding. It certainly would explain my moms odd treatment, reducing her medication that showed no signs of being too high a dose.
I believe now, Dr. Khurana knew full well my mom didn't need to be there. I had been concerned that at worst, a lifestyle change at her age could trigger a depression. I was concerned if her current dose would be enough, and if she may need more, surely not less! I believe he wanted the revenue for her stay, and because of Medicare scrutiny, he could not ADD a medication, so he DECREASED it to justify her admission.
I was VERY resistant and confused, by his decision, which I voiced to him.
At that point, he had the responsibility to tell me the truth, but instead he disregarded my mom's health and safety. He could have cared less.
He sat me down in his office, and asked, "Now, isn't it the possibility of losing your mother that's REALLY upsetting you?" I responded, "YES!" I should have added, " You IDIOT"
He told me to "trust" him. TRUST?
My mom, of course became depressed, and just got worse.
NONE of what he was doing made sense to me.
That was when I finally got so scared I took her out. However, once it had been lowered by a doctor, it began a long process of getting the medication increased to a therapeutic dosage. The geriatric brain is very sensitive and hard to stabilize. I would not trust this guy to counsel my dog.
Oh, yes. He had a golden retriever that was always with him. I wasn't TOLD it was a therapy dog, and finally decided it simply distracted from the fact he was a lousy doctor.
It was very embarrassing once when he barely made eye contact talking to us, because he was so distracted by the dog chewing his foot.
I consider his discharge summary largely fiction, stating my mom did "well", among other outrageous lies. I don't know how my mom falling into a depression, and me taking her out (not mentioned in it) could be considered "doing well."
This man caused my mom harm, and caused me to suffer still, and forever, terrible regret and wonder if I would still have my mom, if it were not for her being exposed to him because of me.