I brought my daughter in to see him for an ADHD diagnosis. She struggles in school and has always struggled with memory, organization, motivation, focus…
He gave us the Vanderbilt assessment for me and a teacher to complete. I know what I put on there was enough for a diagnosis. We gave one to one of her teachers who kept forgetting to complete it and gave it to us about two months later. She has classes of about 38-40 students and it’s high school so she has a lot of students to keep track of. She even said she didn’t know my daughter well enough to answer some questions and left them blank.
He took the assessment of someone who barely knows my daughter over mine and said he didn’t believe my daughter has ADHD, even though we told him several family members have it and both of her parents have been diagnosed with it. I should also mention I’m a child and family mental heath counselor with certification of additional ADHD training.
He spoke quickly with a lot of “and” “um” fillers and it seemed there was little content in what he did have to say. He seemed very nervous.
He might have other useful knowledge, but none that I observed. He told us to get a mindfulness app, which we already have so there’s that.