About a year and a half ago I wanted bids for a new roof. They offered a financing program that I felt pressured into. I was going through a difficult time (multiple traumas) and I was not at my best. I didn’t want to proceed but he kept coming back pressuring me by telling me that lumber prices were going up and up. I knew many vendors were having difficulty obtaining materials but my house is only 800 sq. Ft. the cost was exorbitant and different than what I was quoted. I wondered if I would get higher quotes from other roofing companies. when no one calls you back and you need the work done You feel like you have no other choice and other quotes could be higher. I am a disabled senior and I live a lone on social security and my budget does not accommodate those costs. I foolishly went a head anyway because my roof needed replaced . When They started the work they didn’t cover my roof and we had an unexpected rain storm. It rained through my entire homes ceilings causing so much damage. Eagle/Mark offered me $1000 to paint it myself when it was clearly not a painting job or something that the homeowner should be responsible for! You could see my ceilings in the kitchen and laundry room were almost falling down. I just had my ceilings and interior painted, and it was pristine! He begged me not to use my insurance?! There was $20,000 in repairs to fix it. 1.5 years later, right now, my roof is leaking right through my bedroom ceiling! I have to deal with these unprofessional people again because of the warranty. No one should ever have to experience this disrespect not to mention the price gouging. PaceFunding now home run finance is not really honorable or affordable. I really question how these loans are set up. I did not want to release payment but knew I didn’t want a mechanics lien so I accepted the responsibility of this financial burden. Out of duress I signed. Right now it’s upsetting but Shame on me for trusting and on this company; they knew about the damage that happened and they still keep using Eagle. Be ware especially if something goes wrong and you have to use your homeowners insurance Eagle will treat you like you’re a criminal.