Website quotes on turn-around time are glaringly inaccurate. They know this, but refuse to update to provide accurate estimates. Have been waiting nearly 10 weeks now for rods that were supposed to be delivered in 3-5. Then they dodge your questions, don’t answer emails, and when asked for an update the answer seems to be, “At least 4 more weeks.” every time. Departments blame-shifting to other departments (so unprofessional) and thinking that “I don’t make the rods.” is an acceptable response to a customer. Do better.
UPDATE: response to their reply. What you CAN control is providing accurate lead times on your website, and you CAN control your employee's customer service skills. Blaming other departments is not acceptable. Not keeping your customers in the loop is not acceptable. Demand exceeding supply is not an excuse for poor customer service and outright lying to your customers.