Edmonds Vision Center
Edmonds Vision Center
(425) 771-7772
Customer Reviews
4 Reviews
Scott C2 months ago
From google-logo
Great hometown eye care in downtown Edmonds. I used to go to Costco, but I feel like I am getting more personal and better eye care at Edmonds Vision Center. Prices are reasonable, great selection of frames and event days where frames are on sale and factory rep is on-site. The staff takes care of all insurance stuff, looking up what you are eligible for on what date and I just pay my $15 co-pay. Great place, highly recommend.
Jeanette Pop2 months ago
From google-logo

Horrible experience with my 11 month old. I was referred here for lenses from a list from our Opthalmologist at Seattle Children's Hospital, I called ahead of time to make sure they had softer frames and specifically inquired about a brand. I was assured they had them and scheduled only to find out they didn't come our appointment. Which was fine I suppose, we sat down to see the other options. The optometrist helping us was terrible and just kept talking about how many kids she's 'helped' she wouldn't let me even get a sentence out and was rather rough with my daughter. My daughter has cerebral palsy and can't control her muscle tone well so this was especially disturbing to me, CP aside her actions would be rough on any child. My daughter wasn't crying or even fussing just confused and wiggling around with something so new put on her eyes and kept trying to touch the frames only to have this lady actually yank her arm out and try to pull them away. I was only really given one option and when asked to see another she scoffed and brought out more hard frames that feasibly just wouldn't work on such a small baby in any scenario. Then I was shown a catalog with a couple options to order from and reluctantly allowed to hold it to browse from in my own hands.

Terrible experience overall. I certainly don't recommend taking your child here, much less toddler or infant. They don't know how to calmly interact with them or a parent. Maybe more for an adult or someone who enjoys being spoken over and coerced into the product that makes them the most money.

Maggie Fimia2 months ago
From google-logo
I've been seeing Dr. Wong now for about 4 years and have been very satisfied with the care. I was particularly impressed when I finished my last annual exam that he did not automatically send me out to his staff to get new glasses. He just gave me my prescription (had changed but not a lot) and sent me on my way. It would have been easy for him to recommend new lenses but he left that decision to me.