I locked my keys in my car at my apartment and called them to get it unlocked. They told me it would be $40 and that they were sending someone my way when I got off the phone at about 6:20am. luckily my boyfriend was still home so he let me into the apartment, where I waited over 2 hours and never heard back. I tried calling but no one answered so I left a voicemail. 20minutes later I decided to just call someone else which ended up being in Pullman, who are now on their way and it's going to cost me $85. I called back to cancel at Ells and they finally answered and told me they were 5min away and would do it for no charge. But since I already had the other guy on their way, I still decided to cancel.
I'm pretty upset that I'm now paying over double what I would have and I've had to wait close to 3 hours. They should have told me it was going to be a while to begin with as I would have been fine waiting if I had just known.