Please, for the love of all things logical in this world, do not waste your time seeing Dr. Shabdiz, unless you’re getting plastic surgery (the only thing I’m confident he’s knowledgeable in)
(You do not have to read this, but this is my medical history to help understand the reasons of my anger toward this man). I have had multiple strep infections throughout my life (6 in less than a year, and a very severe case of tonsillitis that would not go away for almost a month). I’m constantly missing work due to these infections, and I’m even rapidly losing weight because of how many times these infections have brought complications (I can’t talk, eat, swallow, or keep food down). Unfortunately, Amoxicillin stopped working because of the amount of times I’ve been prescribed it for these infections. So of course, based on the frequency and increasing severity of these infections, urgent care doctors and my primary physician recommended looking into getting a tonsillectomy. I was then referred out to Dr. Shabdiz. (who, I know now, was the very incorrect ENT to send me to)
He started the consultation with (one of the only questions he asked me during the entire consultation) “what brings you in?” I said “I’m trying to get help with these recurrent strep infections” He starts his “exam” which was simply him looking into my throat and saying that it looks fine. 30 seconds into this consultation I already knew this was going to be a waste of my time. Because of course my throat looks fine, it should. I don’t currently have an infection. He leaves the room for a brief second, comes back in with a long tube with a flashlight on the end. And without saying a word to me, no request for consent, or at the very least a heads up, he shoved it into my nose to the base of my throat. It is basic common knowledge to inform a patient what is to come during an exam. I work in a medical office so I would know this, apparently more than he would know. He took it out, and my nose started bleeding, but of course he didn’t care to notice that.
He finished this exam with saying my “tonsils are actually very small” and that “there is no infection.” Yeah dude, great observation! I wouldn’t be in your office if I had a current infection. I’d be at an urgent care getting antibiotics…??? He finishes with, “based on my examination you wouldn’t qualify for a tonsil removal.” Keep in mind, he still hasn’t asked me a single question about my medical history (how often I get strep, when it started etc.) I rudely advocated for myself, as anyone should in the face of a Dr like this. I said “Yeah, no. I know I would qualify for it because I got strep 4 months in a row, 6 times in a single year.” He then said “Oh wow, yeah you might qualify.” ?!?!?!?! YEAH YOU THINK SO BUD?
At the end of the consultation, and I say end because I couldn’t take any more of this, he said “I wouldn’t really know anyway because I don’t specialize in the tonsils or tonsil surgeries.” He even had the audacity to tell me to wait a few more months and if I keep getting pus or swollen tonsils then go to an ENT that specializes in this (as if I don’t already have proof that I’ve had that very same pus and swelling MULTIPLE times in the past 6 months). I swear he thought I didn’t know what Strep was. That’s how he was speaking to me.
So he wasted MY time doing his “exam” knowing that he’s completely ignorant on the subject? Interesting, easy way to get some more money from my insurance company.
So long story short, he specializes in the “ears” but I’d be more confident in saying he only knows how to do plastic surgery because that’s all he was advertising up front like a CORNBALL. And shoving something down my throat without saying a word is baffling and he should really start working on getting consent from patients. What a sad excuse of a doctor.
Please don’t waste your time, money, or even your insurance company’s money. There’s soo many betters ENT’s in the area. You just need to do your research, and I regrettably didn’t until it was too late.