After spending well over $1,500, we received the following:
One year's tax return, and two years partial tax returns.
A personal insult from the owner telling me to "Man Up" when I left a bad review on yelp, and also telling me that he helped me personally with a divorce (never met the owner, never been divorced).
Absolutely NO help what-so-ever. When we found out we owed, they did nothing to try and help us figure out how to best approach the problem. They literally gave us the tax return document and pretty much said "Good luck!"
They lost our original tax documents for an entire year. When we asked what happened to them, we were told they mailed them to us. Then we were told they handed them to us in person. Then they reversed that again saying they mailed it to us. Then finally they settled on giving it to us. We still don't know what happened to our original documents.
They would not give an invoice for work done until I threatened to dispute the charges. Only after I threatened did they FINALLY give us an invoice.
Forced us to request for an extension for FY2015 because...well...they never gave us an answer. After months of having our documentation, they never got around to the current year's returns.
Their communication is terrible. Multiple times I told them to go through me, exclusively, but every week they would pass our work off to some other intern or person, who would then proceed to NOT contact me. My questions I would ask them would go unanswered for WEEKS at a time, only to be completely forgotten about.
I will be filing a complaint with the Washington Board of Accountancy.