Disorganized and doesn't respond to phone or email
Given the impact on small business from COVID-19, I thought I would support this local retailer, and so I went by to place an order for a 22LR pistol that I wanted. I waited in a long line for the one salesperson, and once it was my turn, I was quoted a price about 10% over the going rate for this pistol, and told the distributor had 17 in stock. Despite the price, I decided to go ahead with the order. I was told it would likely be "a week to ten days" for it to come in. After 10 days, on a Saturday, I called and spoke with the store owner, Lee. I was told that he would have to check into the order, and that he would do that on Monday and call me back. By Tuesday, having not heard from him, I gave them a call. Initially the phone just rang and rang. Then eventually, this switched over to just busy signals. I guess they took the phone of the hook. So I drove over there, waited in an even longer line, only to be told by the same salesman to which I gave the initial order that "only Lee can check that, and he wont' be here until Thursday". This guy couldn't even tell me if the order got placed. I sent the owner an email, but never heard back.
Right now is a crazy time for FFL due to the huge uptick in demand. However, I think a bare minimum for any retailer is that they not lose customer orders, and that they respond to customer inquiries in a timely fashion. The primary issue seems to be that the lone salesperson that is running the shop on days when Lee is not around is completely overwhelmed and repeatedly h as issues with their computer system (he was having another such issue with another customer's order when I returned to check on my order). Lee (the owner) needs to work to improve the operations for those days when he is not around.
I think until demand drops off, they have more business than they can handle, so I am taking my business elsewhere and will reevaluate later.