FEATHERS IS NOT OF THIS EARTH: It's VALHALLA, So if you enter, be aware of a GLOWING, BEAUTIFUL, HAPPY->SMILING->LAUGHING, YET HIGHLY CONTAGIOUS WITH THE PURIST OF GOODNESS AND RIGHT, IN HER ENERGY AND ENTHUSIASM; WHILE MAINTAINING THE ABILITY, WHICH COULD HAVE ONLY BEEN GIVEN BY HER VERY POWERFUL GOD'S, TO BE THE MOST PROFESSIONAL, EFFICIENT, INCREDIBLY GIFTED AND TALENTED HAIR EXPERT ON THE PLANET; WHILE ALSO A VERY INTELLIGENT, POWERFUL, STRONG, TALL,.....VIKING WOMAN, (AND VERY SERIOUS MOTHER OF HER VIKING BLOODED BROOD OF CHILDREN). THEREFORE I BELIEVE ERIN PARRY COULD HAVE ONLY AND OBVIOUSLY BEEN SENT FOR US BY THE GODS OF NORSE MYTHOLOGY! NOTE: BEWARE THOUGH, BECAUSE IT'S ALL GREAT UNLESS SHE PUBLICLY DECLARES, (with humor); "This is not hair!", . . . "What You Have Here is a 'PELT'!!!". And after little discussion, you'll suddenly feel Temporarily Banished, yet COMPELLED to Enter the 'Hair Donation Race', and follow her will and mind control through/by an association with your Guilt, Love, and a Need to Give to Children; (and i have raised up three, through college, and whom I'm incredibly proud of.) However because those idea's above can be Implanted and 'Influenced' in you by Erin; (aka: Galinda-the Bubble Fairy-but that's another story); you too may also grow enough hair to create an average of 5-20 wigs; BECAUSE FOR ME, IT BECAME AN INCREDIBLE OPPORTUNITY TO GIVE BACK and "PAY IT FORWARD". These Wigs are for Children, donated through an Up-Standing Organization*; Through This Process I Have Come To Extremely, Deeply, and Truthfully FEEL AND BELIEVE THIS RIVALS MY THIRTY YEAR FAVORITE CHARITY, THE 'MAKE-A-WISH' FOUNDATION! My hair, as far as i have learned, once appropriately cut, prepped, packaged, and shipped can be used to build 12+ CHILDRENS WIGS. Once made, they will be Maintained, Cleaned, Re-Colored, Re-Dyed, and Trimmed up to Ten or More Times Each. Add that up. These are for the Children of Hospitals such as St. Luke's, and reside in the Leukemia and Cancer Wards, and whom have lost a lot more than their hair. Personally, I GRATEFULLY THANK AND CREDIT Mrs. Erin Parry, for her part in helping 50 up to 100 very young children, whom have to go to bed tonight wondering if they will wake up tomorrow, and when they awaken, their first thought is "Will this be my last day i live?". And through their physically painful daily existence, they try to stay distracted from their worst fearful thoughts; "Will i get well?", "Will i get to go outside to play again?", or "Will i get to Grow Up and Have a Life Too?" If we can give them a smile, a little self-esteem, a little self-pride, and especially give them some relief, then great! We haven't waved a magic wand and given them the cure we wish, But we have made a healthy gift from the heart to children, therefore we've done good, and we've done well. I suggest to folks to tour a kids cancer ward, but let us not affect Feather Salons business, but most importantly: Erin's income! My humble, sincere, and grateful thanks, to you, such a gracious person, Erin Parry! D. Lee Lucas 2
*I will not donate to: "Locks of Love"