Firestone Auto Glendale, CA exemplified poor customer service by Vic Makuchyan, Manager. He betrayed my trust as he lied to me about a repair on January-June 2024. He knew my car from the start needed to have this repair done at the dealer, however he went ahead & had me do the repair at Firestone Auto, Glendale. Since then I’ve contacted 2 separate dealerships & separate 2 Firestone Auto managers which all agreed I should’ve had such repair completed at a dealership with original car parts. Basically Vic Makuchyan was thrown under the bus especially by 2 of his Firestone Auto colleagues. It’s been a nightmare: I spent money for services NO rendered and my time, energy & faith. Vic Makuchyan refuses to provide a refund, doesn’t take responsibility for his negligence, ignorance & greed to make a sale and a buck ($$$$) for himself & Corporate. Very disappointed and disillusioned at this Firestone Auto which has demeaned the company’s mission to provide honest services. He’s not a role model and he himself in front of customers & his associates said he could care less what I and others think of him. Firestone Auto Glendale, CA is no longer an American trustworthy company.