Flo, Max Capacity: 100kw ~375VDC, No waits, always open. Excellent equipment condition, operational, and very reliable.
Vehicle Request: 30kw,
Pay: ~21.00 USD, VISA MC AMEX DISCO, SamsungPay, ApplePay,
min, mil, Chrg,%/h, Desc, 000, 090, , , 30kw 81A, 015, 132, , , 30kw 81A, 020, 138, 0.61, , 30kw 81A, 030, 153, 0.66, 30, 27kw 71A, 035, 161, 0.70, 48, 25kw 65A, 040, 168, 0.73, 36, 22kw 60A, 045, 173, 0.75, 24, 21kw 55A, 050, 180, 0.78, 36, 19kw 50A, 055, 185, 0.80, 24, 17kw 44A, 060, 190, 0.82, 24, 15kw 40A, 065, 194, 0.84, 24, 13kw 35A, 070, 197, 0.86, 24, 11kw 30A, 075, 200, 0.87, 12, 18kw 26A, 080, 203, 0.88, 12, 08kw 22A, 085, 205, 0.89, 12, 07kw 20A,
Columns Desc: Minutes elapsed since charge start, Miles capacity of vehicle, Ratio charge capacity of vehicle, % per hour, rate of charge, Kw request from vehicle,
Kw requested from vehicle is highest(30kw) below ~67%. Above 67%, kw(requested) reduces by 0.9738 every min(average), found by formula: 07 = 30*(rate)^55 ... (55 is n intervals, minutes ~60:90%) rate = 0.9738 (avg),
Kw requested from vehicle drops to (24kw) at ~80%. Given the change in (kw requested) is not specific to the charge-point but the vehicle, the most effective range of vehicle capacity, in which to charge the vehicle, turns out to be: ~10:70(%-of-Vehicle-Capacity),
Charging in this range will utilize the highest (kw request), and most effective use of the driver's attention.