Terrible place to deliver. You're only allowed on the premises 30 minutes before appointment, but I wish you luck with that, since you'll likely be late due to sitting in line. Trucks parked as tight as can be waiting to be checked in, while others are sleeping in the right lane, adding to the congestion. Add to that the a-holes who will straight up cut in line like they're famous or something, and you're gonna be late.
My appointment was for 0400, and I arrived at 0430 only to sit in line. It was about 0530 when I finally got in and checked in with the office. They didn't say anything about being late, which is good, because I would have firmly rejected such a claim. Why they think this is a sustainable model is beyond me. It's now 2 hours past check in, and they've yet to begin unloading a partial load. Unbelievably bad business. I'm surprised they have anything to sell in their retail outlets.