Dr. George Min is a skilled and caring surgeon his knowledge and passion for what he does is clear. Gratefully I survived 4th stage breast cancer. after having A lumpectomy, 37 cancerous lymph nodes removed, extensive chemotherapy, a stem cell transplant, and radiation treatment 29 years ago. Six years later And with much scar tissue due to radiation I had breast reconstruction. This past year my MRI results showed I had ruptured implants. These implants were over 23 years old. I was also having some other issues, including a constant ache in my mid back For nearly 2 years and wasn’t sure if this was related to the situation. This has completely stopped since I had surgery and the damaged implants removed. I contacted 12 offices in the state of Washington and two in Californi to help me with this situation. Dr Min was the ONLY Dr. that would except my insurance. Everyone I spoke to said I needed to pay cash upfront and then try to get reimbursed and that most of their patients did not have any luck getting reimbursed because the codes did not match up for the insurance company to accept. In addition to that all the doctors offices that I contacted with the exception of Dr.Min’s office, requested that I bring in my Mammo and MRI results or fax them. Dr. Min’s staff was so friendly and efficient. They offered to even contact and speak with my insurance company and they said they would get my x-ray results.After meeting Dr. Min for the first time, I realized that he had the qualities in a surgeon that would help me have the trust I needed. He is kind, empathetic, honest, straightforward, and very skilled, detailed, and confident at what he does. I’m grateful and extremely satisfied with the excellent results and the excellent care that Dr. George Min and his staff provide and highly recommend him! Thank you, Dr. Min!