Greetings! I attended my first service here in Arroyo Grande on 17 March 2024. The service was very good, complete with a biblical based sermon.
The rest of the story: I saw that this church had a program supporting and helping Ukraine, so I sent an email asking for an opportunity to work together in order to help Ukraine more. I recently returned from spending 635 days in Ukraine where I spent significant time fighting on the front lines. After almost a week or no response to my email I decided to follow up in person and to attend the church service on 17 March. While there I was told that no one has been monitoring the email address listed online for over a month. I shared my contact information with quite a few church members, including the preacher, many of whom said they would reach out during the week. I filled out the “next step” card also with my contact information. Over a week went by and no one, including the church, reached out. Zero contact. As a coincidence, my mother died on 18 March…less than 24 hours after the service I attended. It would have been really cool to have received any amount of support from any of the many people that said they would contact me. Over a week later I received an email from the church (Bret) that was clearly automated and not personalized at all. It even said something about me attending for the past few weeks, which is completely false. No email would have been better than one that starts with a false and made up statement.
My personal take away from all this… the sermon was good and biblically based, a blessing for sure. The church and its members (the ones I spoke to) appear to have no interest or intent to connect with a new person that attends the church who wants to get involved and help while also asking for support.
I realize that I will not be receiving any communication from the church or the members that said they would be reaching out.