It's not as cheap as it sounds. And they won't let you use a hand basket because they don't trust you and they assume you'll shoplift their matcha powder.
If you were to really look for these items in other stores, you would usually find them for a similar price or on sale. Eggs are still more expensive than costco, and typically smaller. To be clear, what you're getting is slightly cheaper food that the other stores are either overstocked on or don't think is good enough, but sold in a more depressing store. Even the music they play here is second-tier. It's like they make these places just so that stores like Safeway can have fewer poor people in their aisles. The generally unpleasant experience and cheap wine seems like an intentional device designed to draw out the depressed and poor, and that sucks because the poor really aren't getting decent nutrition or much of a bargain here. The beer wine and liquor sections dwarf the produce section, but at least the wine really is cheap...ish. Beer isn't marked down much at all. Most of the food here isn't healthy, and the stuff that is happens to be the most expensive stuff. Otherwise, a lot of the food here is the kind of thing you'd see at a dollar store. Odds and ends, lots of condiments, lots of snacks, a thirty-foot dairy section and a seven-foot meats section. Don't come here with plans for what you plan on cooking. I've never managed to complete a recipe here.
There are a couple odd bargains here. Lately this place has been overloaded with several different kinds of marked-down matcha powder. Who is that for? Even marked-down, it's too expensive.
This place is oppressive classist capitalism at its finest. You can sense that the people who work here are overworked and pushed hard for less than a living wage. This whole place is a sort of Grimm fairy tale the rich use to scare their children. Though you may save a nickel here and there.
Costco and Winco aren't far away if you have a car, but if you don't have a car and you're local, this may be your only choice.
Make sure to check the expiration date.