Mix of cheap and inexpensive tools. Inexpensive: low price, good enough for what you are doing (for a while). Cheap: low price, breaks or fails so you have to buy a better one too, maybe in a hurry. I won't buy cheap brake pads or car tires: can't afford being in a wreck.
Materials can be of dubious quality and durability, but what did you expect? Low prices come from somewhere. Metals here can be hard and glass-brittle or soft, because making and forming uniformly high quality, tough metal is harder and costs more than whatever comes out of a scrap furnace. Forming hard, tough metals takes longer, better tooling and costs more. Screws can strip, and small drills snap.
Not much pro-grade equipment here; if you're basing a business on it, go upscale. However for a 100m tape measure, a 1" drill bit for two rough holes in mild steel, a cement mixer for weekend projects, a grinder, a drill press (that wobbles a bit), knee pads, etc. (and tools that leave the job site in worker's trunks) it's good prices here.