I just walked in today cause a hat hanging up caught my eye, and a girl approached me (I'm bad with names but I wanna say her name was poppy or something) who had pink (and I wanna say green) died hair and glasses.
This girl had to be the friendliest employee I've ever met at a Hot Topic in 17 years of shopping at various HT locations in many states. She told me about how much she loves the anime merch I was looking at, and she even showed me some hoodies she loved that i would have missed otherwise. I want to bring my wife in and work with her and get a lot of the cool shirts and hoodies I saw today. She's a breath of fresh air in retail and I think every HT should have an employee as friendly and engaging as her!
Sincerely, Keith
Ps. This might even be my first Google review, cause I don't leave negative reviews, but I never have a good enough experience to actually write reviews over (before today that is).